Saturday, September 29, 2007

In Praise of the Humble Comma

Writing Strategies:
Lyer invites the reader to his text in many ways. He adds a question in the intro which causes the reader to focus more on what he is saying. In addition, he uses punctuation, which makes the reader pause frequently; causing him or her to absorb the information in the correct manner. While talking about punctuation, extensively regarding commas, he uses his own punctuation to help the reader develop more of an idea of how punctuation is so important. He also relates punctuation to common objects and feelings in everyday situations.

Exploring Ideas:
Lyer is attempting to show how it’s achievable to broaden or alter one’s outlook on a specific matter by relating punctuation to everyday situations. For example: In the first paragraph, "The gods, they say, give breath, and they take it away. But the same could be said--could it not?--of the humble comma." In his writing he shows that the comma, and other punctuation, is what gives the voice to writing. Before I read In Praise of the Humble Comma, I thought of punctuation of something that just had to be in writing. After, I realized that it is the most important part of writing.

Monday, September 24, 2007


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